Badass Matriarch
Motherhood Meets Medicine
Episode 153: The Power of the Dyslexic Brain with April McMurtrey

Episode 153: The Power of the Dyslexic Brain with April McMurtrey

If you’ve listened to the podcast for any amount of time, you know that one of our children has been diagnosed with dyslexia. Once she was finally diagnosed, an entire world of knowledge and resources opened up for us. But it took a LONG time to get to this point. 

Because of our journey, it’s important to me to share expert information with you about this extremely common neurological condition. Which is why I reached out to April McMurtrey. 

April is a professional reading specialist, dyslexia specialist, author, and the developer of the Learn Reading program. She has been helping struggling and dyslexic students for over 30 years, breaking through their reading barriers to unlock the world of words. April is currently preparing for a TED talk about dyslexia awareness that I cannot wait for. Her book, Is That Dyslexia, is now on shelves, and she also has resources that will help struggling and dyslexic students, parents of those students and parents who are those students, including dyslexia screenings and online courses. 

Having dyslexia doesn't mean you're at a disadvantage. It's just your brain seeing things differently. Listen in to learn about how you can support your kids, why dyslexia can be a strength, and how to get the right screenings if you notice certain behaviors in your child.

In this episode, we discuss: 

How common dyslexia is.
The signs and symptoms of dyslexia.
How to advocate and help your child with dyslexia.
Talents and strengths of people with dyslexia may have.


The Learn Reading Program
Is it Dyslexia by April McMurtrey

Aaron Slater, Illustrator: A Picture Book (The Questioneers)

Connect with April:

Learn Reading
LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook

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Badass Matriarch
Motherhood Meets Medicine
The Motherhood Meets Medicine Podcast is a space that brings all women together. It's for those who hope to be a mom one day, those who are already mothers, and mothers of mothers. This podcast will give you candid, informal interviews on motherhood topics that you can listen to while you're driving to work, folding laundry or whatever else your busy day may bring. Each week, Your host, Lynzy Coughlin, will be focusing on topics ranging from postpartum issues to feeding babies to managing toddler tantrums. She's bringing in experts with formal training to cover everything motherhood! So grab your coffee and join us for a weekly chat on your time. All are welcome! Lynzy is a Physician Assistant in the Emergency Department where she has practiced medicine for the last 12 years. You can connect with Lynzy on her Motherhood Life & Style Instagram account, @lynzyandco. This is where you'll have the chance to submit questions for guest experts.