Badass Matriarch
Motherhood Meets Medicine
Episode 167: How Mothers Against Media Addiction Will Change the Landscape of Social Media + Phone Use for Kids with Founder, Julie Scelfo

Episode 167: How Mothers Against Media Addiction Will Change the Landscape of Social Media + Phone Use for Kids with Founder, Julie Scelfo

Media addiction among children is a huge problem. We know this and you know that I’ve been talking about it for a while. Thankfully there is a movement out there working to make changes at the policy level. 

Enter MAMA - Mothers Against Media Addiction, founded by Julie Scelfo.

Julie is a former New York Times journalist, Media Ecologist and founder of Mothers Against Media Addiction, otherwise known as MAMA, a grassroots movement of parents fighting back against media addiction to create a world where real life experiences remain at the heart of childhood. 

She is also a mother of three, and her years of reporting on the issue of phones and social media exposed her to the epidemic of youth mental illness, including increased suicide rates among teens and tweens, and the crisis that media addiction and unchecked Tech was causing. This led her to recognize the need for a movement of parents and allies focused on addressing the crisis of media addiction among our children.

Listen as we talk about everything from appropriate ages to introduce phones as well as what you can do at the local level to start enacting change and how MAMA can help.

Disclaimer: This podcast does not provide medical advice. The information on this podcast is for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. 

In this episode, we discuss: 

What inspired Julie to found Mothers Against Media Addiction (MAMA).

What MAMA’s goals are

How parents can get more involved on a community and national level.

How to handle phones and social media under your own roof.


Badass Matriarch -

Mothers Against Media Addiction

NY Times - Suicide on Campus and the Pressure of Perfection

HuffPost - How To Prevent Suicide Among Tweens

NY Post – Opinion: Violence, bullying, suicide: It’s time to fight digital addiction in kids like drunk driving

SF Chronicle – Opinion: The surgeon general warns that social media is dangerous for kids. Why aren’t medical professional associations?

Badass Matriarch
Motherhood Meets Medicine
The Motherhood Meets Medicine Podcast is a space that brings all women together. It's for those who hope to be a mom one day, those who are already mothers, and mothers of mothers. This podcast will give you candid, informal interviews on motherhood topics that you can listen to while you're driving to work, folding laundry or whatever else your busy day may bring. Each week, Your host, Lynzy Coughlin, will be focusing on topics ranging from postpartum issues to feeding babies to managing toddler tantrums. She's bringing in experts with formal training to cover everything motherhood! So grab your coffee and join us for a weekly chat on your time. All are welcome! Lynzy is a Physician Assistant in the Emergency Department where she has practiced medicine for the last 12 years. You can connect with Lynzy on her Motherhood Life & Style Instagram account, @lynzyandco. This is where you'll have the chance to submit questions for guest experts.