Did you hear Mr. Ed braying in the background? Doing everything he could to mock and ostracize her so the crowd wouldn’t react? In what world does a politician speak to his constituents like that?

The few articles I’ve read about this have hesitated to slap a label on what occurred here. Some have taken the stance that she was disruptive and deserved what she got. It’s a calculated, cowardly move - they’re attempting to escape backlash.

I’d like to frame it in a different light. Let’s look at some of the other town halls that occurred this weekend. The ones gathering the most media attention are full of people speaking out. Those people were allowed to speak their fears and frustrations without fear of reprisal.

Ed’s response in Coeur d’Alene was taken straight from the playbook every elitist (almost overwhelmingly white) man has used since the dawn of time. Silence, threaten, demonize. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Whether she was right in speaking out in that moment, or waiting until a later point in the town hall (which assuredly is what the focus will be on); the reaction of those in charge is very telling.

We, the people, pay their salaries. We use our voice to give them their positions. They are there to assist us. They aren’t better than us. They aren’t our overlords. I believe anyone who uses that gifted position of power to weaken, silence, or suppress others should be immediately ejected from their platform.

This is me pleading with the people of Coeur d’Alene along with any comparable American population. Whether you agree with what the good doctor did here or not, do you want to live in a free America? Or would you rather live in a country where disagreeing with policy equals public shaming and prosecution? Do not allow this to go unanswered. It’s only the beginning.

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I completely agree—it's deeply concerning whenever elected officials respond to genuine questions and concerns with mockery, dismissal, or intimidation. It goes against the very principles of democracy, respect, and public accountability.

Regardless of timing or manner, constituents should always feel safe to voice their opinions, ask difficult questions, and hold their representatives accountable. The behavior you described reveals an underlying belief among some in power that they are above scrutiny—a dangerous mindset incompatible with a truly free society.

It's essential that we keep highlighting these incidents, demanding accountability, and ensuring that public officials remember who they truly represent: the people. Thank you for speaking out. We need voices like yours to keep our communities and leaders honest and responsive.

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Thank you for your post. I’ve been searching for the full story. I saw snippets over the weekend, but everything was curated. Every report, even those I tend to agree with, failed to be comprehensive. Taking the time to reflect on the history of their town, the context leading up to that moment is pivotal.

I do not believe America will fall. There are too many strong people fighting for the good of others for failure to be an option. Instead, I hope that we can use these terrifying displays of corruption to springboard into real, lasting change. Highlighting moments like this, helping others realize the enormity and consequence of what they’re facing is a critical piece of actualizing that hope.

Thank you for the compliment and recognition!

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American will not fall because there will be too many damn strong women from all walks of life pushing up against it and winning our democracy back and restoring our government to order and overthrowing our self appointed "KING" -- look toward history when the shit hits the fan powerful men step aside and let women clean up the mess -- then they step back and throw women under the bus. I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!

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When the world tries to beat a guy to his knees, nothing strengthens a man like a woman who loves him and let's him know it.

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Look at those four thugs bullying and grabbing at her. Won’t their moms and grandmoms and sisters be proud to know what they do for a living? Very sad.

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Not one of them flinched at their assignment. All cowards. Their actions are on film and will haunt them to the end of their days all for a check. I would have loved to see just one of them hold up their hands and say, "No. I will not." Then walk away. We would be heralding him a hero and job offers would be pouring in. Interviews and gratitude. She did nothing wrong other than say rightfully, "Don't touch me." It is on film. She was sitting and they assaulted her. When she spoke it was not something unseen in a Town Hall where people speak out. This was not a Town Hall it was a gathering of hate lead by hate and defended by hate.

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I'm really wondering if this Ed voice actor douchebag would have told the Tea Party asshats who were shouting down Democratic lawmakers by the hundreds to oppose healthcare--healthcare!!--to be more "civil" lest he sic his private "security" thugs on them.

After a microsecond of serious contemplation, I've come to the conclusion that I highly doubt it.

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I agree!! As a woman, I’m DONE with being told to sit down and shut up!! This is my County, and by gosh, I stand with this woman!!!

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Our country in fact depends on WOMEN being DONE with being told to sit down and shut up!! No one can take this fight on and win it as can WOMEN. We are soldiers who have been fighting oppression, abuse, and stereotypes not matter our age or race. It is a universal oppression of women. We know how to fight. Let's FUCKING UNITE!!

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It bothers me to say this but maybe it's time to secretly get together and plan.

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Don't let anyone inhibit you for the attempts to do so come from the small and cowardly. We are stronger alone and together united we are unbeatable. Women take no prisoners. I remember a former boss who served as a fighter pilot commenting that the female fighter pilots would balk when holding back fire was suggested over a holiday such as Christmas Day. When a woman is at war there are no holidays is what he said to me.

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This is what struck me the most. What he was doing was not leadership.

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That kind of man thinks that braying and posturing is leadership.

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She's a hero for standing up for democracy. They are a bunch of Nazis who need to get dropped off the edge of their flat earth

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Agree or not I would never in a million years let that speaker and thugs bully her.

I am a man ( over 60) and men don't let men do that. Where ? Idaho. Would not have happened to my wife or daughter.

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I visited the city about 30 years ago and was impressed. I got the impression it was liberal. Maybe it changed. It has attracted great wealth.

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calling our elected officials out in a public forum is NOT disruptive

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Ed Bejarana is also a voice actor with a whole long list of audiobooks: https://www.audible.com/search?searchNarrator=Ed+Bejarana

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Cowards hired a security company directed to drag out anyone who spoke up.

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I’ve deleted the contents of this comment. It was inaccurate. I apologize and take full responsibility for not researching thoroughly before making a public statement. Thank you to Allison Bloom for pointing it out.

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If you click through it is decidedly not pro choice literature. It’s propaganda claiming that Planned Parenthood is a for profit entity profiting from abortions.

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I’m sorry for the misinterpretation… it caught my attention and I glanced thru the first two sentences of the description. I know better. I’ll delete my response but want to ensure the apology is seen first. 😊

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then delete your post please

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Hey Raissa… thanks for the likes and responses! If you look at the comment Allison was responding to, it should contain a redaction w/out the incorrect info, an apology and acknowledgement of my misstep & and a thanks to Allison for pointing it out. Thank you for being diligent tho! It’s important, no matter how much it stings to be wrong (this is a reference to myself - not pettiness.) 😊

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The Handmaids Tale

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Their tax dollars will pay her a substantial sum.

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The plan is to capture the majority in every state legislature they can in the red and purple states and gerrymandering the hell out of the voters maps. They need to mend their hold on a majority of the electoral votes. The battles are at local and state levels.

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Criminals are in the house and they will strip us bare to the bones. It is not good.

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What struck me the most is 450 people, not one, came to her aid, this is where we are only women are standing up to these people??? I don’t know what I would have done but I hope i would have been as brave as this woman.

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When people next to her question, “you're arresting her?” And started filming, the big tough men (sarcasm) threatened that they would be removes too!

So some did try to speak up, but more should have.

I wish a group of people would have stood around her protecting her

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The video ended before I could see if anyone followed them out while protesting and filming… did that happen?

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P not a politician, just a local web developer who heads the Republican committee for the county.

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I have absolutely hit the wall with this one. I'M DONE. MEN should fear me from here on out. I'm going to BURN THIS MOTHERFUCKING PLACE TO THE GROUND.

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Right there with you.

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PREACH. Men are WEAK, INSECURE, THREATENED. And they have fucking LITERALLY pretty much destroyed everything they've gotten near. FUCK EM.

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We are programed to fight. It is in our DNA. Men know it and they fear us. Give us a voice. No? Well then take cover!

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I am sorry not all men are in this class. There were just as many women in that crowd enjoying and smiling and cheering on the treatment of this woman. We do not have Harris as POTUS I am convinced because misogyny is held in the hearts of many men and many women. Men hate women and women hate women. It is the treatment of women where we draw the line and it is recognizing the power women hold in fighting back not fighting a gender but the hate which is coming from men and women. Men hate women and women hate women equally. Re-think targeting all men please.

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women are a class of citizens who learn from the crib they need to fight for everything; then we are launched into marriages that are abusive; and employment that is abusive; and live in communities that stand by and are silent about the abuse and mistreatment women are born into and told to accept; we are told get a career and have babies and do it all without any help from our government; day care? health care? opportunities? There has always been this pressure and we are all born into knowing we are not accepted despite the laws on the books and all the crap that is "on paper" -- look at the pandemic it was women who jumped out of their careers and took care of the children; many caring for the children of other mothers who could not stop working; fuck it. I'M DONE! And, heads up don't grow old as a woman in this society for there is nothing more despised than a woman (OWN IT FUCKERS) than an older woman.

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Here here.

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I'm on the same page!

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I am not targeting men. I am targeting the treatment of women. Notice many women were cheering on the abuse this woman suffered. Men hate women and women hate women. The hate of women is not assigned to either sex. I know many good men, but most good men do not go into politics; but they would lay down their life for anyone of us anytime. I know them and in fact my son is such a man. I am not targeting men. I am targeting the treatment of women which is baked into our culture. Men hate women and women hate women.

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I cannot believe the women in the audience just SAT there!!!! I would be on my feet causing a riot over this. Fucking unbelievable .

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I did hear women saying some things along the way but you're right that no one physically stepped up. I think for some women this can be very triggering for them (with past trauma) and difficult to react quickly. But yea, I agree!

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Past trauma shouldn't dictate present circumstances and potentially allow for someone else to be violated. This may be unpopular opinion, but people need to move past their own shit once in a while, to help others from having to deal with that same shit down the line.

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This is where we are STILL failing. ALL of the women and anyone who supports women should have been on their feet and forming a barricade. If we won't stand up for one another, then they've already won and believe - they have decades of evidence to support the idea that we won't, which is why they are so confident they have already won.

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Yes - a barricade is exactly what they should have done!

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Yes, a human barricade to protect her!!!

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Thank you. In no way would I ever let a sister be physically assaulted like that. They would’ve been dragging me outta there too!

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Me too! And it would’ve taken a lot more than two or three of them to drag my big, scrappy ass out of there.

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I like to think I would, too. I've never been in a situation where that kind of governmental violence happened.

As a kid I was taught that the pinko liberals would come and take people away for their thoughts. Ironic, considering McCarthyism.

Clearly my Red Dad got the party wrong. The GOP is still horribly corrupt and needs to wither away. The GOP is destroying our country.

That only happens if people STOP VOTING FOR THEM.

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So many fucking cowards in that crowd.

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Sure, yes. But I’m sorry… Where were the MEN?!? The whole reason women are supposed to happily let them tyrannically control us; make decisions for us; strip away women’s rights, is because they are “protectors.” Not one man in that crowd stood up to those men — and they never fucking will. They have each others back and, if anyone was deluded enough to believe the protector bullshit, hope this clears that up.

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SAME!! I was watching going ‘someone get UP and HELP her!! 😡

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That’s what I said along with any men as well! When you do nothing, you are part of the problem.

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I would be willing to be arrested along with her.

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one woman was LAUGHING

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Saw that. Disgusting.

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Black women are not surprised at the lack of responses. Many White women only go so far in advocacy. This is why many of us have dropped out after the last election. We know the minute we lead something they will brutally come after us. Black women try to stand with each other, but we know more than likely white women don’t do that for us. We saw in that dreadful video that they didn’t even stand together for their own.

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My great (x8) grandmother was tried and acquitted as a witch in Wallingford, CT multiple times. I imagine because she, too, was outspoken.

The Benham family finally decided to flee the town because of the harassment.

We CANNOT let our ancestors down.

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I'm a descendent of Abigail Dane Falkner. She was convicted in Salem, but spared from death because she was pregnant. I think of her often as I fight for women's rights. 🧙🏻‍♀️

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We need more witches!

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Present and looking to unite with each and every one of you. I've set up a suppory netwiork for us on Discord called the RESIST Network. Dm me for details.

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I love that! I stand with you. 💫

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They didn't burn witches, they burned women

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Agreed. I said that awhile ago and the most memorable comment was some chick bitchsplaining to me how men died, too

People don't understand the general vs the exception.

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My mother would enter a school committee meeting and no one would sit next to her because she was outspoken. She was elegant and well spoken but fearless. As children and we were all good citizens we knew our mother and our dad had our back. As was the case for them growing up. I come from strong rebellious types. A relative during the "troubles" in Ireland was a famous Irish dancer but an activist who would hold town meetings where he would speak against English oppression. In retaliation and to control him the English shot off his knee caps. He would never dance again crippled.

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The card says asset protection and management. Their actions were neither. So they should be terminated with no legal representation provided in the case. The only laws I see being broken are assault and unlawful restraint. Just my opinion. 😇

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They lost their Idaho license.

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Facts, friend. 👏🏻

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Ed Bejarana, the guy with the microphone, said " she spoke out and now she is suffering the consequences". These are the MOST CHILLING WORDS I have ever heard. Straight out of the Nazi how-to manual. DISGRACEFUL.!

I hope Dr Teresa Borrenpohl is OK, and that she will sue the pants off all those who were involved.

The Republicans on the stage just sat and watched! No shame, no moral compass, no spine.

I am furious on behalf of every woman in America.

But if Republicans think that this will make women back down, they are mistaken.

Bring on the FURY!

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And did you catch what he said in his sanctimonious tone right after he singled out the doctor for "consequences" for speaking out? "Isn't that the problem with society, people thinking they shouldn't suffer consequences after behaving badly?" Telling that he said this in a town hall during a topic around abortion--he probably thinks all pro-choice women are scum because we support abortion rights rather than being forced to suffer what he calls "consequences" for "bad behavior." He can FROWTBS.

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this is absolutely disgusting on so many levels. 1. Those men had no authority to touch her, they had no identification to prove they were law enforcement. 2. the piece of shit on the mic mocking her and calling her a little girl. 3. the piece of shit sitting next to her filming while doing nothing. 4. NO ONE in that room helped. 5. this was a Town Hall meeting but clearly was not. If you disagreed you were forcible removed by henchmen. What county is this?

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Kootenai County. I live just over the state line in Spokane, WA. Sheriff Bob Norris was the one who first approached the woman, he was off duty. Then he motioned for the hired security to forcibly remove her. City Police dismissed her charges and are investigating, plus security company license suspended.

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Bob Norris is, according to another Substacker, collecting disability from California.

Good example of GOP hypocrisy. Do as I say, not as I do.

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She has a clear case of assault, especially since they were not officers. She was right to say who are they, and they shouldn't have touched her.

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So, as she asked, and her lawyer and her elected representatives should be demanding to know, who the fuck were the thugs assaulting this person at the direction of law enforcement?

Who were they and under what legal authority did they 'arrest' this woman for civil disobedience, while being harassed and ridiculed from the podium by another person without legal authority.

Who the fuck are those fascists?

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A private security firm who have since had their license suspended because the city requires them to wear marked uniforms and identify themselves to civilians, which these thugs did not do.

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Ed needs to meet men and women who won’t stand idly by and watch women or men be assaulted and denigrated.

No fascism asshole.

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How many times did she ask them to identify themselves?

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I.e., how many times would have been enough to elicit a response?

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From the Celtic Lady post:

“Ed Bejarana, the guy with the microphone, said " she spoke out and now she is suffering the consequences". These are the MOST CHILLING WORDS I have ever heard. Straight out of the Nazi how-to manual. DISGRACEFUL.!

I hope Dr Teresa Borrenpohl is OK, and that she will sue the pants off all those who were involved.

The Republicans on the stage just sat and watched! No shame, no moral compass, no spine.

I am furious on behalf of every woman in America.

But if Republicans think that this will make women back down, they are mistaken.

Bring on the FURY!”

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Women sitting by while a women is being assaulted is unacceptable!! If we don't stand up to this type of behavior, we will be destroyed!!

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Alleged American Patriots sitting by. That’s what is truly upsetting. If you’re really an American Patriot you will not let any one put hands on another American without cause. Those that stood by are traitors that should be hanged. Those that commit those atrocities and instigate this chaos, should be burned at the stake on TV for all the rest of those traitors to see what their ends will be. First bitch to burn will be that paid idiot on the mic. STAND UP FOR YOURSELVES AND YOUR COMPATRIOTS TOGETHER! STOP EXPECTING ANYONE IN ANY GOVERNMENT POSITION TO COME TO YOUR DEFENSE.

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I’ve added their emails to my to do list for the afternoon. I was already going to both call my Reps and email them a longer message.

I shared it with my friends. I wrote in Giant chalk letters in my driveway 5 Calls.org for all the ladies (or gentleman) who walk my development.

We need to stand up together. It was hard for this one woman to resist. But imagine if six or seven women inserted themselves into it.

Some people just aren’t comfortable with that type of confrontation, but unfortunately, we had all better get comfortable with it. For the foreseeable future if we want to be able to have that right at all.

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These men should be arrested for assault. Big white jerks. But I guess the bigger white jerks are the ones who let it happen and the guy who mocked her through the whole process.

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Here is a GFM to help Dr. Borrenpohl with legal counsel: https://www.gofundme.com/f/justice-for-dr-borrenpohl-fight-for-the-first

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Yes! I linked it at the end :)

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I’m so grateful to see she is being surrounded with support. May the karma from these events hit them 10x. They have no idea what they’ve started.

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Thank you!

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Donated. Happy to see

so much financial support for her in addition to emails on her behalf and moral support.

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Absolutely disgusting! Grateful for the video, her legal team will appreciate! So hopeful justice is served in this unlawful behavior. And yes! This is what happened in Portland Oregon a few years ago! These “rent a cops” were terrorizing protesters & the Wall of Moms trying to protect them. So incredibly disgusted & ashamed of the level of misogyny these entitled men exhibit & thankful I’m not one of the women (moms, wives, sisters, daughters and friends) they claim to care about!

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If Justice doesn’t step in, it’s time to remind those idiots who actually pays all of their salaries and it isn’t tDump or Felon ellen. If a system doesn’t represent you or work for your benefit and safety then burn it all down

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DARVO. This is appalling. Seven pointed star logo with a red eyed hound of hell. Fuck these people.

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Unacceptable behavior for anyone, ESPECIALLY men against a woman who was not hurting anyone, just raising her voice. If I see this, I will fight whoever is assaulting the other person.

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